Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is A Woman's Pocketbook Kryptonite For Men?

Written by Steven J. Smith

Kryptonite - The only thing that can kill Superman.

Let me start out by saying what a man and a woman does behind closed doors is ultimately between them, God and their spouses. I have never met any of the infamous sex scandal clad celebrities like Tiger Woods, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, David Letterman or any of the others caught in the 'Kryptonite Pocketbook' and I do not really care what they do in the bedroom. Unfortunately though society has become warped and crazed to find out about the most intimate details of the lives of celebrities. What is often left out of the conversation is any real compassion for the human beings whose live have been altered by these indiscretions.

For those who do not know what the term 'Pocketbook' means it is a colloquial term used to describe a woman's most intimate part. History seems to reveal that men, some very powerful men, are willing to risk everything for "a little something on the side". I had a friend tell me, after getting married, that it was hard for him to get accustomed to being with the same woman all the time. Or you hear men say that they feel they have earned the right to enjoy the attention that their fame and fortunate has given them. What happened to those vows that were taken at the altar? COME ON MEN!

The Bible tells us that, "a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and gains favor with the Lord." There is nothing a momentary pleasure can bring that compares to the awesome favor of the Lord. The Lord's favor brings joy, peace, love and all those fruits of the spirit that the Bible talks about in Galatians 5:22-23. Someone might say, "that's all spiritual stuff" no having joy, peace, love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self control and gentleness in your life has a real impact on your home, your children, your health and your wealth.

The opposite holds true with the selfish pursuit of the 'Kryptonite Pocketbook'. The 'Kryptonite Pocketbook' has a devastating effect on the lives of those whom we love. Studies show that children are at a far greater risk for negative social, educational and physical problems when raised in a single parent home. Women have a far harder time financially, in most cases, when there is only a single income supporting the home. We owe it to God, ourselves, our women and our children to be better. COME ON MEN!

We have a culture that glorifies and in many causes deems it acceptable to be a ladies man, a player or a serial monogamous. I must state for the record I am not bashing my fellow men, but am speaking love and truth where it is much needed. If you cannot give me a "Amen", just say "Ouch" because I want to step on some toes and let you know the direction you are walking in is wrong.

Whether it is Samson of the Bible, televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, Rev. Jesse Jackson or a fellow like me, we all must face the 'Kryptonite Pocketbook' and must decide is it worth it.

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