Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Invocation

Written by Steven J. Smith

Today I set off on my maiden voyage down the vast Blog River going where only God knows. That's why I have entitled my first post The Invocation. Just like when you are at church the service usually starts with an invocation that prays to the Creator to empower the worship service with the Holy Spirit so that the God's divine will and way will be manifested, we do so here on this blog.

So here we go, digging into two of the most controversial subjects known to man religion and politics. Someone once said that in history more wars have been fought because of religion than for any other reason. Since we are going in that directions you can expect issues to surface concerning race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Hey, if you're going to step out there you might as well step in front of it all.

My full intention is to be as well versed in the subject matter presented as possible. Wherever disagreements may arise I hope we can disagree without being disagreeable. Please charge any shortcomings with this blog to my head and not to my heart. Many have found their thoughts and opinions have come back to haunt them, for whatever reason, but I will press forward without fear or trepidation.

I would be humbled if I could make a slight contribution to the plethora of news, views and information from the pews that already exist. As I always end my invocations in Jesus name so do I now. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Steven,
    Welcome to the blogosphere! I know that your contribution to the "plethora of news, views and information from the pews" will be welcomed and appreciated as you are a thoughtful man of God. I pray that God will bless your efforts to be a blessing.
    Humbled by His grace,
    Jason P.
