Friday, February 26, 2010

Ohio's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Written By Steven J. Smith

Rev. William Simmon's writes in his book Men of Mark: 1849-1890 Eminent, Progressive and Rising about dozens of men who were the Dr. Martin Luther Kings, Thurgood Marshals, John H. Johnsons and Jackie Robinsons of the second half of the 19th century. Simmon chronicles the lives of men like Nat Turner, Frederick Douglas, David Walker, Henry Highland Garnett and Touissant L 'Ouverture. One name that jumped out at me was Rev James Poindexter of Ohio. Rev. Poindexter is from my home state of Ohio and according to family a distant relative of mine.

The recent emergence of genealogy services such as enabled me to do some research and to find out if Rev. Poindexter was actually a relative. I was excited to learn more about a man that history writes, "The State of Ohio has had within its borders one of the strongest men in the United States, a man whose soul has been on fire on account of the outrages perpetrated against colored people, and who never lost an opportuity to speak and write with vigor against all species of outrages and to ally himself persistently with those elements that look toward the bettering of the condition of those for whom he advocated. His philanthropy has not, however, confined itself to his own race; but those who know him have always done him the justice to say that his interest extended to all classes who are oppressed and downtrodden."

"One of the strongest men in the United States" is how my great, great, great grandfather was described. Yes after a few day of research I was able to fill the generational gaps between Rev. Poindexter and myself. It truly was an inspiration to find that a relative of mine soul was on fire to help the downtrodden of his time. He was the pastor of 2nd Baptist Church in Columbus, he was a member of the Columbus Board of Education, also a member of the Columbus City Council and a member of the Ohio Bureau of Forestry. Wherever he served he was a tireless advocate for all people who suffered under the harsh laws and oppressive conditions of the 19th century.

As a pastor and active member of the community I gain so much from the life lessons learned from this giant of Ohio. Rev. Poindexter masterfully navigated the currents of religion, politics, education and business on behalf of the people of Ohio. Today we can gain inspiration from him as we fight against unemployment, the drug trade, dysfunctional family units and a broken educational system. If Rev. Poindexter and others could overcome slavery, lynching, no voting rights and limited to no access to education we can overcome the issues facing us today.

The God that equipped Rev. Poindexter still exists today. The question is does the faith and courage exist today as it did in men and women back then? I dare to say yes. I make it my point to teach my congregation what James Weldon Johnson eloquently wrote about the "faith that the dark past has taught us and the hope that the present has brought us." This faith and hope is in Bible where it says that faith is, "the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen." With natural vision we can not see how our young men can get off the street corners, how our young women can reduce teenage pregnancy, how the revolving doors of the prisons can stop turning, or how the divorce rate can be reduced. But I stopped here to tell you that if we pick up the supernatural glasses that eye doctor God can prescribe we can see how to overcome and we can overcome.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Is A Woman's Pocketbook Kryptonite For Men?

Written by Steven J. Smith

Kryptonite - The only thing that can kill Superman.

Let me start out by saying what a man and a woman does behind closed doors is ultimately between them, God and their spouses. I have never met any of the infamous sex scandal clad celebrities like Tiger Woods, John Edwards, Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, David Letterman or any of the others caught in the 'Kryptonite Pocketbook' and I do not really care what they do in the bedroom. Unfortunately though society has become warped and crazed to find out about the most intimate details of the lives of celebrities. What is often left out of the conversation is any real compassion for the human beings whose live have been altered by these indiscretions.

For those who do not know what the term 'Pocketbook' means it is a colloquial term used to describe a woman's most intimate part. History seems to reveal that men, some very powerful men, are willing to risk everything for "a little something on the side". I had a friend tell me, after getting married, that it was hard for him to get accustomed to being with the same woman all the time. Or you hear men say that they feel they have earned the right to enjoy the attention that their fame and fortunate has given them. What happened to those vows that were taken at the altar? COME ON MEN!

The Bible tells us that, "a man who finds a wife finds a good thing and gains favor with the Lord." There is nothing a momentary pleasure can bring that compares to the awesome favor of the Lord. The Lord's favor brings joy, peace, love and all those fruits of the spirit that the Bible talks about in Galatians 5:22-23. Someone might say, "that's all spiritual stuff" no having joy, peace, love, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self control and gentleness in your life has a real impact on your home, your children, your health and your wealth.

The opposite holds true with the selfish pursuit of the 'Kryptonite Pocketbook'. The 'Kryptonite Pocketbook' has a devastating effect on the lives of those whom we love. Studies show that children are at a far greater risk for negative social, educational and physical problems when raised in a single parent home. Women have a far harder time financially, in most cases, when there is only a single income supporting the home. We owe it to God, ourselves, our women and our children to be better. COME ON MEN!

We have a culture that glorifies and in many causes deems it acceptable to be a ladies man, a player or a serial monogamous. I must state for the record I am not bashing my fellow men, but am speaking love and truth where it is much needed. If you cannot give me a "Amen", just say "Ouch" because I want to step on some toes and let you know the direction you are walking in is wrong.

Whether it is Samson of the Bible, televangelist Jimmy Swaggart, Rev. Jesse Jackson or a fellow like me, we all must face the 'Kryptonite Pocketbook' and must decide is it worth it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Should Preachers Be Politicians?

Written by Steven J. Smith

"Nor can the preacher more than any other citizen plead his religious work or the sacredness of that work as an exemption from duty. Going to the Bible to learn the relation of the pulpit to politics, and accepting the prophets, Christ, and the apostles and the pulpit of their times, and their precepts and examples as the guide of the pulpit today." (From sermon preached by Rev. James Poindexter - Pastor - Second Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio in the year of 1885, as he spoke to the Pastors' Union of Columbus)

Throughout history pastors have been involved in the political process of governance at the local, state, national and even international level. They have held both elected and appointed governmental positions. Even with the long history of the pastor politician the debate still remains as whether the two roles are morally and ethically compatible.

Some of the famous ministers who have held, ran for or currently hold governmental offices include Andrew Young, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations under President Jimmy Carter and mayor of Atlanta, GA. Ambassador Young is an ordained United Church of Christ minister and disciple of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Ministers as congressmen include Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. from Harlem New York, who was pastor of the Abyssinia Baptist Church. Rev. William Gray, Jr. from Philadelphia, pastor of Bright Hope Baptist Church, rose to be the powerful House Majority Whip and was also Chairman of the influential House Budget Committee. Other congressmen include Rev. Floyd Flake, N.Y., Rev. Walter Fauntroy, District of Columbia, and currently Rev. Bobby Rush, Chicago.

We all remember the presidential campaigns in 1984 and 1988 of Rev. Jesse Jackson and more recently the presidential candidancies of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee and PTL host Pat Robertson. Here in Illinois Rev. James Meeks is an Illinois State Sentator and pastor of the mega church Salem Baptist Church. He along with many others around the country have held or are currently holding positions in government. Many are very influential policy makers that shape and dictate laws that effect our lives on a daily basis. State Sentator Meeks currently has legislation pending that will eliminate the local school councils in Chicago and offer vouchers to parents of students in low performing schools. The parents can take the vouchers and use them to pay tuition at private schools based on Meeks proposal.

Are these pastor politicians following in the Biblical footsteps of Moses, Joshua and David who held these dual positions?

In Ohio in 1885 Rev. James Poindexter was ending his career as a public servant (Columbus City Councilman, Columbus Board of Education President, Ohio Forestry Board Member) and pastor when he stated "the conclusion will be that wherever that is a sin to be rebuked, no matter by whom committed, and ill to be averted or good to be achieved by our country or mankind, there is a place for the pulpit to make itself felt and heard. The truth is, all the help the preachers and all other good and worthy citzens can give by taking hold of politics is needed in order to keep the government out of bad hands and secure the ends for which governments are formed."

Rev. Poindexter's on the mark preachers and all other concerned citizens should work to make government better for the people.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Speaking in Tongues! Does It Take All That?

Written by Steven J. Smith

Yesterday a co-worker sent me a text message asking me, "do you have to speak in tongues in order to receive salvation?" This is an example of the type of religious hot button topics that "News, Views and The Pews" will delve into in an attempt to shine even more light on very contentious and much debated topics. So does one have to speak in tongues in order for them to receive salvation?"

I know most of my Pentecostal faith tradition friends will say absolutely yes. Here is an example of where Christian faith traditions take us in different directions. Over the past four decades I have had the awesome opportunity to be immersed in many different Christian faith traditions that exist here in the United States. As a little boy I remember attending Sunday School at a Lutheran church, then I went to a Pentecostal church as a teenager, in high school and college I went to Catholic schools where religion was taught and all students had to go to mass, as an adult I have attended Baptist churches, United Church of Christ churches and now I am a pastor of a non-denominational congregation. After over 40 years of worship, fellowship and study my answer is no to the question, "does one have to speak in tongues in order for them to receive salvation."

Those who say yes to the 'tongues' question will cite New Testament scripture in the Book of Acts (Chapters 2, 3, 5, 9, 19) and those who say no will cite Romans 10:9, " if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead, you will be saved" and Romans 10:13 "whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Here in Romans the Bible does not mention the requirement of tongues in order to be saved. Jesus saves you once you declare his Lordship over your life.

For we are saved by faith, not works: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and it is not yourselves, it is the gift of God, so no one can boast." When my friends who believe in the tongues requirement claim that their faith tradition has a monopoly on salvation and it is their way or the hell way I ask them about one of the great servants of Jesus in the 20th century. Mother Theresa is one of my faith heroes, she dedicated her life to the Lord and she served tirelessly the downtrodden, the orphaned and the poor of the Third World. I ask my tongue speaking friends if they feel that Mother Theresa is disqualified from going to heaven because she did not speak in tongues. I think not.

To my co-worker who asked this question on yesterday, sometimes we just have to agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Invocation

Written by Steven J. Smith

Today I set off on my maiden voyage down the vast Blog River going where only God knows. That's why I have entitled my first post The Invocation. Just like when you are at church the service usually starts with an invocation that prays to the Creator to empower the worship service with the Holy Spirit so that the God's divine will and way will be manifested, we do so here on this blog.

So here we go, digging into two of the most controversial subjects known to man religion and politics. Someone once said that in history more wars have been fought because of religion than for any other reason. Since we are going in that directions you can expect issues to surface concerning race, gender, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Hey, if you're going to step out there you might as well step in front of it all.

My full intention is to be as well versed in the subject matter presented as possible. Wherever disagreements may arise I hope we can disagree without being disagreeable. Please charge any shortcomings with this blog to my head and not to my heart. Many have found their thoughts and opinions have come back to haunt them, for whatever reason, but I will press forward without fear or trepidation.

I would be humbled if I could make a slight contribution to the plethora of news, views and information from the pews that already exist. As I always end my invocations in Jesus name so do I now. Amen.